Volume 57
Issue 2
- Don’t Forget to Like, Follow, and Regulate: An Argument for the Expansion of Protections for Child Social Media Influencers
- Why Medical Error is Killing You (And Everyone Else)
- It Takes a Thief…. and a Bank: Protecting Consumers from Fraud and Scams on P2P Payment Platforms
- Achieving True Strict Product Liability (But Not For Plaintiffs With Fault)
- Intentional Parenthood, Contingent Fetal Personhood, and the Right to Reproductive Self-Determination
- Reimagining the Deduction for Employee Compensation
Issue 3
- Subsidizing the Microchip Race: The Expanding Use of National Security Arguments in International Trade
- Crystalizing Community: “Communities of Interest” and the 2020 Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission
- The Complicit Canon of Criminal Law: A Critical Survey of Syllabi, Casebooks, and Supplemental Materials